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标题: [音乐] 超小资的民谣歌曲,Eva Cassidy - God bless the child [打印本页]

作者: wj1981    时间: 2011-5-12 10:47     标题: 超小资的民谣歌曲,Eva Cassidy - God bless the child

Them that´s got shall get

Them that´s not shall lose

So the Bible said and it still is news

Mama may have, Papa may have

But God bless the child who´s got his own

Who´s got his own

Yes, the strong gets more

While the weak ones fade

Empty pockets don´t ever make the grade

Mama may have, Papa may have

But God bless the child who´s got his own

Who´s got his own

Money, you´ve got lots of friends

Hanging round your door

Then it´s gone, and the money ends

They don´t come along no more

Rich relations give

Crust of bread and such

You can help yourself baby

Oh don´t you take too much

Mama may have, Papa may have

But God bless the child who´s got his own

Who´s got his own

Money, you´ve got lots of friends

Hanging round your door

Then it´s gone, and the money ends

They don´t come along no more

Rich relations give

Crust of bread and such

You can

Eva Cassidy1963年2月2日,Eva Cassidy出生于美国马里兰州,在她的生活里充满著艺术与音乐,而民歌与爵士是他们家族最热爱的音乐类型,自小父亲就曾经带领过Eva与哥哥一起组过乐团表演,不过因为Cassidy个性内向的关系,所以他们就越来越少演出了。即使Eva Cassidy 因为内向到几乎是一种麦克风恐惧症的情形,让她选择绘画为其志向〔Eva Cassidy的绘画作品是她的另一项杰作〕,但是Cassidy还是断断续续的帮一些乐团合音,终于在一次偶然机会之下遇到了制作人Chris Biondo,也开启了她正式朝音乐发展的路途。


[ 本帖最后由 wj1981 于 2011-5-12 13:58 编辑 ]
作者: 蓝色水晶    时间: 2011-5-12 16:08

作者: ir8866    时间: 2011-5-14 16:48

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