【影片名称】:縱情慾海 Levottomat (中文字幕)
【影片譯名】:驛動的心 / 愛不是全部 (2000)
【語種發音】:芬蘭語發音. 簡體中文字幕.
【特 征 码】:73593d9818e5f7585ea99a609e60e8cae158abdf
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【主演演員】:Mikko Nousiainen / Laura Malmivaara / Petteri Summanen / Matleena Kuusniemi / Valtteri Roiha / Irina Bjorklund / Samuli Edelmann / Vilma Melasniemi / Eija Nousiainen / Jaana Jarvinen / Pertti Sveholm / Niina Kurkinen / Kirsi Tarvainen / Wanda Dubiel / Jere Viitanen.
阿里(Mikko Nousiainen麥可諾薛南飾),是市立急救中心隨車救護醫師。每逢公餘,他即遁入一 夜情的溫存中,唯恐傷害到這些春風共度的女人,他力遵「沒有下文」的床伴原則。一切看似處置得宜,但阿里卻陷在麻木不仁、無動於衷的生活困境中。 提娜(Laura Malmivaara蘿拉莫咪法若飾),一次海灘邂逅誘發他與阿里的一場激情,並使阿里破例和她繼續交往,卻不知二人差異。她認定阿里是真命天子,決定託付終生,於是介紹她的死黨伊隆娜、漢娜以及她們男友史地、利庫給他,想要抓緊他的心。就這樣,六個人自此同度屬於其解放、肆無忌憚之青春歲月,歡愉卻多事糾葛的最後一個夏天。
伊隆娜(Matleena Kuusniemi麥琳娜庫什妮米飾),與史地青梅竹馬,同伴之情似已稀釋戀愛成份,然畢竟就快結婚。孰料,天生麗質、體態豐滿的她卻從阿里身上探索到性冒險之旅,而且香豔滿懷。
漢娜(Irina Bjorklund艾蓮娜巴佐可倫飾)神學院準牧師。她與阿里不對盤,往往針鋒相對,但又感覺到彼此有種幽微的聯繫。阿里獨獨對她之一以貫之的嚴肅外表感到著迷…
An old dog has a hard time learning new tricks in this drama set in Turku. Ari, a paramedic, is a chronic womanizer; he makes it a point of pride to never sleep with the same woman twice, and his nights are a long series of brazen one-night stands. But when Ari meets Tiina (Laura Malmivaara), something unexpected happens - he falls in love. For the first time, Ari finds himself pursuing a long-term relationship, and he makes a genuine effort to remain faithful to her. But old habits die hard; Tiina introduces Ari to her circle of friends and temptation arises as he encounters Hanna-Riikka, a theology student, and Ilona, who is soon to be married. Despite Ari's feelings for Tiina, he begins having affairs with both Hanna-Riikka and Ilona, leading to an unpleasant revelation on the day of Ilona's nuptials.